You have come to the right place!
We recognise that many learners can benefit from extra tuition. Success generated in one subject area can build confidence and self-esteem in other areas.
At Kip McGrath Nelson Tasman, we have created a positive learning environment led by Zoe, an approachable, enthusiastic NZ teacher. We provide small group, face to face tuition (in centre and online), in Reading, Writing, Spelling and Maths. Learners use a range of resources including computer-based, written and practical.
We tailor a personalised learning programme that targets the learners next steps. Concepts are taught systematically and learners work at their own pace with a tutor who provides ongoing support, monitoring and focussed teaching. Each session concludes with some homework based on that session. The tutor will update progress and set new learning for the following session.
Book a free assessment now and talk with Zoe.